A wide range of services are available to women through our Reproductive Health and Wellness Clinic. Our clinic is held each Tuesday from 8:00am to 4:30pm. Available services include:
- Physical Exams
- PAP testing with HPV testing as appropriate
- Breast exams and mammogram orders as appropriate
- STD testing
- Birth Control
- Pregnancy testing
- Reproductive life planning
- Health education
- Basic infertility services
- Referral and follow up as desired
To schedule an appointment or for more information, please call 740-439-3577, ext. 7258.
Our agency is a Title X Provider through the Ohio Department of Health. Funding for the RHWP clinic is provided in part by the Ohio Department of Health. Most insurances are accepted. For those without insurance, services are provided on a sliding fee scale. No one is denied services due to inability to pay.