The Public Health Council adopted rules governing household sewage disposal systems in 1974 and rules governing private water systems in 1980. Local health departments have the authority to administer and enforce these rules, and must be contacted prior to the construction of a new home or the placement of a manufactured or mobile home. It’s a good idea to have a member of the Guernsey County Environmental Health Staff inspect the property that you are considering buying prior to purchase to determine if there are any reasons a sewage disposal system or private water system cannot be installed.
Such site inspections help determine the proper placement of the home, sewage disposal system, and private water supply. Existing dwellings, which need new sewage or water systems, are subject to required site inspections.
A site inspection shall be conducted on all proposed building sites. A site inspection fee is required to be paid for at the time of the inspection. The proposed areas for the home, driveway, garage, private water system, or other site disturbances should be marked prior to the time of the site inspection to ensure that adequate space for the sewage disposal system and a replacement area is met. Once a site inspection is completed, the sewage installer must submit a design plan. Once the design plan is approved, a sewage permit may be issued. A fee is charged for each permit, which is valid for one (1) year. A six month extension may be granted if requested prior to the expiration of the permit
Test holes are required to determine soil conditions and what type of sewage disposal system may be installed. Two holes, 7 feet deep, are required and the sanitarians will indicate approximately where they are to be dug. Persons desiring to install their own sewage systems must follow the specifications noted on their permit and the guidelines for installation will be given to the home owner once the type of sewage disposal system to be installed has been determined by the Health Department.
Private water supply permits (including well, cisterns, ponds, springs, hauled water storage tanks) are issued by the Guernsey County Health Department. Private water systems permits are valid for one (1) year. A six (6) month extension may be requested by the homeowner prior to the permit expiring and this request must be approved by the Health Department. Included in the price of the private water system permit is one bacteriological water sample. For the private water system to be approved a safe sample must be obtained and all required paperwork must be submitted to the Health Department.
Plumbing permits are issued by the Cambridge Guernsey County Health Department You must submit an isometric drawing to be approved before a permit will be issued. There will be a plan review fee. Plumbing permits are valid for one (1) year. An extension may be granted if requested prior to the permit expiring and this request must be approved by the Health Department.
Plumbing permits are required for any new construction, modular homes and for any remodeling which would require changes in the plumbing currently in place. According to the Ohio Plumbing Code Section 105.2 Work exempt from approval. Approval shall not be required for the following: Plumbing: (1) “The repair of leaks in drains, water, soil, waste or vent pipe; provided, however, that if any concealed trap, drain-pipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, such work shall be considered as new work and an approval shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code.” Rough in inspections are required on all plumbing within the dwelling prior to any covering (concrete, walls, etc.) All plumbing is to be installed to code and tested as required. A $150.00 penalty fee will be assessed on any plumbing done prior to obtaining the required permit.
A homeowner’s packet for the homeowner who wishes to complete the plumbing work themselves will be given to the homeowner for completion. All rules and regulations apply to the homeowner doing their own plumbing work.
The plumbing inspector for the health department is Jim Marcentile (740) 622-6862. He does not have an office at the health department and is a contracted employee. Ryan Murphy, R.S. is the liaison for plumbing at the health department. Mr. Murphy is not a plumber; he can direct you to Mr. Marcentile and give general information only.
Building permits are issued by the Guernsey County Auditor’s Office only after provisions have been made for sewage disposal. Questions pertaining to building permits should be directed to the Auditor’s Office at (740) 432-9243. Property addressed may be obtained at the Map Department which is located within the Auditor’s Office at 627 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge. The Map Department phone number is (740) 432-9277.
Persons who are service providers, sewage installers, and septage haulers are required by law to be registered and bonded with the local health department in each county where they perform services and work. Our office can provide you a list of registered and bonded service providers, sewage system installers, and septage haulers.
Private water system contractors (well drillers, spring developers, pump installers, cistern and hauled storage water tank installers) must be registered and bonded with the Ohio Department of Health. Our office can provide you with an approved contractor list for this area.
Plumbers must be registered with the Guernsey County Health Department, and we can provide a list of plumbers who are registered with us.