Level 1:
Person-In-Charge (PIC) Certification in Food Protection is a mandated training for the
designated person in charge for each shift of a risk level I, II, III, and IV food service
operation or retail food establishment if any of the following apply:
• A food service operation or a retail food establishment initially licensed after
March 1, 2010 unless the individual has successfully completed an equivalent or
more comprehensive manager certification in food protection course (Manager
• A food service operation or retail food establishment has been implicated in a
foodborne disease outbreak.
• The licensor has documented a failure to maintain sanitary conditions in
accordance with section 3717.29 of the Revised Code for a retail food
establishment or section 3717.49 of the Revised Code for a food service
Level 2:
The objective of the Ohio Department of Health’s certification in food protection rule, 3701-
21-25 of the Administrative Code, is to educate and train food personnel on effective food
safety practices for preventing foodborne illness. Ohio’s Certification program consists of two
levels of training: Person-In-Charge (formerly “level one”) and Manager (formerly “level two”).
The Manager Certification in Food Protection program is a more extensive training that
provides managers with in-depth knowledge of proper food safety practices for use in their
facilities. The Ohio Department of Health has administered the Manager Certification in Food
Protection program since 1973.