Head Lice Screening
What are head lice?
Head lice are tiny, wingless, crawling insects. They live in the hair of humans where they feed
on small amounts of blood from the scalp. Head lice are a common problem that can affect
anyone, but are most common among preschool and elementary school aged children.
Children are more at risk of head lice due to head-to head contact with other children when
playing or sharing items such as combs, brushes and hats. Head lice only crawl – they do not
jump, fly or hop!
What are the symptoms of head lice?
Itching of the head, especially behind the ears and at the base of the neck, is the most common
symptom of head lice. Additionally, head lice may be felt moving in the hair, and may cause
difficulty sleeping. Sores from itching and scratching may be present.
How do I know if my child has head lice?
Tiny white nits can often be seen attached to the hair shaft close to the scalp. Nits resemble
dandruff, but do not flake or brush off easily. Adult lice may be difficult to see because they
move quickly.
How can I keep from getting head lice?
Head lice are spread by direct head-to-head contact and by sharing items such as hats, combs
and brushes. Head lice are not a result of poor hygiene. Animals do not spread head lice to
How do I treat head lice?
Multiple options are available to treat head lice. For additional information or to schedule an
appointment with a nurse for a head check please call 740-439-3577.