Ohio Buckles Buckeyes
Car Seat Program
The Cambridge-Guernsey County Health Department is a local distribution site for the Ohio
Buckles Buckeyes Child Safety Seat Program. The Ohio Buckles Buckeyes program is made
possible through the purchase of child safety seats by the Ohio Department of Health. A
Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician is available to assist with child safety seat questions,
facilitate the educational program, and install or check the installation of your child safety seat.
Who is eligible for an Ohio Buckles Buckeyes Car Seat?
Requirements to receive a child safety seat through the Ohio Buckles Buckeyes program
- Guernsey County resident
- Custody of a child between ages birth to 8 years old and or more than 32 weeks
pregnant - Eligible for WIC or Medicaid card (provide proof)
- WIC income-eligible children may receive one car seat every 3 years if parents or legal
guardians register for class and pass the quiz - Willing to complete an Ohio Buckles Buckeyes education session
A parent or guardian is eligible to receive a child restraint system-convertible or booter seat
after completion of an online educational session on proper use and installation of the child
restraints, as well as Ohio car seat laws. Completion of the online class and an appointment to
complete paperwork and receive hands-on assistance completes the program.
What are the laws in Ohio regarding car seats and booster seats?
- Ohio Car Seat Law ORC 4511.81:
Children under 4 years of age or less than 40 pounds are required to be in a child safety
seat. - Children 4-8 years old who weigh 40 pounds or more and are shorter than 4 feet 9
inches are required to be in a booster seat or other approved safety seat. - Children ages 8-15 are to be in seat belts no matter where they are in the car.